Who we are

I grew up in a working class family in Dorset and after completing secondary school and my A-Levels, I did what most people did, and opted for university.

I made the wrong course choice at university and quickly found myself back at home and needing to find a job at the end of my first (and only) year. Starting off in telesales and moving into selling advertising space, I realised I wasn’t fulfilled and needed to make a big change.

I moved to Coventry where I secured a job as a Personal Advisor to unemployed people looking to get back into work and loved it. After a promotion, whilst I loved my job, I was keen to move back to the south and took a job doing a similar role with a large national charity in Portsmouth. After 9 years, 5 promotions and hundreds of people supported back into sustainable employment, I found myself in a Director role, overseeing the delivery of the services I, myself started delivering in Coventry back in the early 2010s.

Throughout my management career, I identified a large number of people inside and outside my organisation looking to make the step into management or climb the ladder from their current role and started coaching them on how to achieve these ambitions.

I now have a vast network of individuals I have previously supported or currently support who have gone on to achieve fantastic things and progress rapidly in their careers and personal lives.

If there is one thing every person I have ever supported has in common, is that one of their goals is to improve confidence and self-esteem. This is fundamental to all other goals and is the area I specialise in.

My aim is to constantly expand this network and help as many people to lead purposeful, fulfilling and successful lives as I can. I very much look forward to adding you to my network too.

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